Corporate Info

Production SystemProduction System

Preparing for the coming e-era, KAIFA starts from customer's purchase order, by way of complete information technique, logistics management and just-in-time production system, so as to satisfy diversified customer's needs. The outstanding production techincal team also do design, plan effective and high-capacity machine to support our production system.

Iron Machining Process
Gravity Machine
Plating Process
Bottom Case Machine
Iron Machining Process
Stem Machine
Plating Process
Iron Machining Process
Welding Machine
Plating Process
Sub-Tank Machine
Iron Machining Process
Under Bracket Machine
Plating Process
Upper case Machine
Iron Machining Process
Fork Pipe Machine
Plating Process
Pipe Polish Machine
Iron Machining Process
Pipe Polish Machine
Plating Process
Iron Machining Process
Motorcycle Assembly
Plating Process
Sub-Tank Assembly
Iron Machining Process
Clean Machine
Plating Process
Automobile Assembly
